The Conference of the Regions approved the plan presented by the Department for Digital Transformation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on measure 1.7.2 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), dedicated to the development of the Network of digital facilitation services.
Index of topics • The role of the Digital Facilitation Services Network • The importance of skills in the PNRR The role of the Digital Facilitation Services Network With this decision, the operational start of the project is formalized, which aims to create 3,000 facilitation points throughout the national territory to increase the skills and digital inclusion of 2 million citizens.
In recent months, the Department has worked in close collaboration with the Regions in the definition of the plan, establishing in a shared way the functioning and territorial deployment of the project, also based on the experiences and good practices already existing, to be declined subsequently in the rest of the country. The co-design work aimed at distributing the 135 million provided for by the measure will now continue, through individual agreements with the Regions. Subsequently, it will be the task of the latter to issue local calls for the identification of facilitation points, the selection of facilitators and then the subsequent training of citizens.
Competenze digitali, partono le Reti di facilitazioneThe Department for Digital Transformation will also take care of the training and certification of the skills of facilitators at level 5 of the European reference standard DigComp. The importance of skills in the PNRR 27% of the PNRR's resources are dedicated to the digital transition, with particular attention to the issue of skills. Italy has historically suffered a considerable delay in this area, especially in comparison with other European countries. Precisely for this reason, among the objectives of Italia digitale 2026, the digital strategy of the PNRR, there is that of bridging this gap and bringing the percentage of Italians with basic digital skills to at least 70%.