Ukrainian media want to raise $ 1 million through NFT

Three Ukrainian media outlets, Ukrainska Pravda, Novoye Vremya and Hromadske, are teaming up with the NFT Vault platform to raise $ 1 million via NFT, according to the Press Gazette. The three outlets are reportedly hoping to sell a limited number of "NFT keys", which offer owners access to exclusive content. Each key, according to Vault and Per Press Gazette, “will provide access to content from the publication's courageous team of reporters, photographers and editorial teams, including photos and videos, links to stories and recommended reading, a special weekly email for supporters and more ". Vault added that proceeds from NFT sales would go directly to the media organizations themselves. These Ukrainian outlets experienced a surge in popularity after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. According to Sevgil Mysayeva, chief editor of Ukrainska Pravda, the website was reported as the "second most popular website in Ukraine after Google" after the invasion of Russia.

“About eight million people around the world read to us every day. We feel our responsibility to inform the world about the current situation in Ukraine in a truthful and timely manner, ”Mysayeva said. This isn't the first time Ukraine has turned to the crypto industry for fundraising goals. Since the Russian invasion of the European sovereign nation, the Ukrainian government (as well as an NGO supporting the Ukrainian military) has raised $ 59 million through more than 120,000 cryptocurrency donations for Elliptic. Ukraine's cryptocurrency crowdfunding began on February 26, 2022, two days after the Russian invasion began. The official Twitter account of the Ukrainian government posted a tweet sharing a bitcoin and ethereum wallet address. Today, blockchain records show that those addresses received $ 10 million in bitcoin and $ 18 million in ethereum. The government also announced later that it was accepting donations to Polkadot. Soon after, Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov said the government would also start accepting Dogecoin.

by Alessandro Crea Thursday 10 March 2022 11:00 dollars