For investor Matt Roszak, the US needs an action plan for cryptocurrencies

Bloq chairman, blockchain investor and entrepreneur Matt Roszak spoke briefly about the state of affairs in the cryptocurrency industry in a recent interview with CNBC, saying there is a need for a national action plan for digital currencies. Roszak noted that he was called to speak in the House five years ago, in 2016, and many of the issues involved innovation, employment, investment and the like. However, members of Congress at the time were quite unprepared for the cryptocurrency industry and technologies. Roszak thinks that things are not yet optimal in this regard, and there is still a long way to go when it comes to educating members of Congress about crypto, blockchain, their potential, risks and opportunities.

Roszak sees cryptography as an important tool that could significantly improve American competitiveness, innovation, and even help solve the problems of Wall Street and beyond. Speaking of regulation, he said there are numerous agencies focused on this issue right now. In the meantime, all investors need is clarity. Currently, agencies, such as the SEC, CFTC, Treasury and others, all have dedicated working groups on this issue. Roszak noted that there are CEOs of major institutions like PayPal, Visa, Square, who are all leaning on cryptography. He notes that it was incredible to see how these people and entities have gone from ignoring cryptocurrencies to being skeptical, interested in and finally accepting and adopting digital currencies. Now, he wishes to see the same happen to the White House and to Joe Biden as well. MATT ARTICLE