Pavel Muntyan, a renowned Russian animation producer and creator of the animated series “Mr. Freeman ”, called on anti-war Russians to support Ukrainian citizens. Muntyan announced on Twitter on Tuesday the opening of a cryptocurrency donation address for Russians who want to support Ukrainians anonymously as Russia has banned its citizens from helping people in Ukraine. On February 27, Russia's Attorney General's Office officially warned that any assistance to Ukrainians during Russia's "special operation" in the country would be considered high treason, with Russians facing jail time for up to 20 years. For this reason, Muntyan is now urging the Russians to provide financial support to those who have suffered as a result of the Russian military operations. Using his crypto address, Russians can now donate to any token on blockchain such as Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Ethereum, HECO and Avalanche without revealing their identity, he wrote: "Now you can help Ukraine and do it anonymously. With the help of crypto. All the money will be used to provide Ukrainian civilians with essential goods, as well as to support the families of Ukrainian army soldiers. I urge all crypto people I know personally and who support my position not to be indifferent, ”Muntyan added.
The Ukrainian government together with several crypto companies has established multiple cryptocurrency donation channels to support Ukrainians during the Russian military invasion of the country. As of Monday, the amount of public cryptocurrency donations sent to the Ukrainian government, military and charities was approaching $ 40 million. Mr. Freeman is a fictional character from Muntyan's animated series of the same name, known for promoting the principles of freedom and criticizing the lifestyle of modern man. The series has over 1.5 million subscribers on YouTube, viewed over 150 million times at the time of writing. Muntyan has been deeply involved in the cryptocurrency industry previously, introducing its cryptocurrency in partnership with Free TON, one of the crypto initiatives that grew out of Telegram's original Telegram Open Network project. He is also fond of non-cumulative tokens (NFTs), launching several NFT drops on platforms such as OpenSea. In addition to his involvement in cryptography, Muntyan is known for supporting opponents of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The latest news comes alongside the West increasingly concerned about Russians using cryptocurrencies to evade massive sanctions against Russian companies and ordinary Russian people. The French finance minister said Wednesday that the European Union is working to address Russia's potential use of cryptocurrencies to circumvent sanctions imposed following its operations in Ukraine. Previously, the US Treasury Department warned US-based companies and individuals not to handle crypto transactions sent to certain Russian citizens and banks.