Belarusian partisans use ransomware against Lukashenko Safety A group of Belarusian activists used ransomware to block the railways and ask Lukashenko to stop the Russian advance into the country.

There was a time when the Partisans blew up the railways to prevent the German enemy from continuing their occupation. Today, anyone who remembers those actions will find analogies in what the "Belarusian Cyber-Partisans" are trying to do in their own country, blocking the railways to hinder Russian maneuvers to prevent the Russian army ready to escalate into Ukraine from passing through it. There will be no bombs or tampering, in this case: the attack took place digitally and with the same results. A new frontier and a new front, therefore, in which communications travel on Telegram, attacks are claimed on Twitter and weapons are stored on a hard disk. Discover the Kasperksy Internet Security License offer, today on Railways stopped in Belarus Just as in recent days an attack on Ukrainian institutions has been blamed on Russian crackers (despite the Kremlin's denials), in the same way the cyberattack returns to the center of this new challenge. The signature is of hacker activists who attacked Belarusian railways to block their activities. No hypothesis, in this case: simply a direct claim, in which there are two requests in exchange for the resolution of the block: 1. the release of the 50 political prisoners who most urgently need medical assistance 2. the refusal to authorize the passage of Russian troops on Belarusian territory The attack took place through ransomware that took railway files, servers and workstations "hostage". In this case there is no request for a ransom in cryptocurrencies as in other cases and the explanation is clear: the intent is not to create chaos and the group is ready to hand over the keys that would unlock the railways allowing you to immediately restore the situation. All this provided that the requests are fulfilled, of course. The challenge to Lukashenko is anything but hidden: once again, therefore, the cyberattack becomes a new weapon available and once again the importance of cybersecurity emerges as a fundamental tool for guaranteeing the solidity of a nation in the face of possible external offensives.